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Prof. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen giving his speech during the Leaders' Dialogue on Adaptation in Africa

President Kenyatta honored Global Champion for Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program

H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta noted that they are fully committed to driving forward the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Programme. 

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Global leaders congratulated Uhuru Kenyatta on his appointment as the Global Champion for the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The Kenyan President has been one of the key driving forces behind the AAAP, an Africa-led, Africa-owned initiative jointly developed by the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) that is mobilizing US$25 billion for climate adaptation investments in the areas of food security, resilient infrastructure, adaptation jobs and climate finance over five years.

As the Global Champion for the AAAP, President Kenyatta will continue, in his personal capacity, carrying forward his bold leadership on climate adaptation in Kenya to mobilize the global community to honor their commitment of doubling global climate finance.

According to Prof. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen, President Kenyatta’s strong record of standing up for Africans on climate change is well known and globally unmatched.

“President Kenyatta, you pioneered Kenya’s commitment to land degradation neutrality, ratified the Paris Agreement and made Kenya one of the first countries globally to announce and submit very ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution targets,’’ he said.

President Kenyatta has passed a raft of policies, from the Climate Change Act to the National Climate Change Action Plans, as well as adaptation and green economy plans. His leadership on climate-resilient agriculture and green infrastructure projects have delivered green jobs, increased access to markets, and strengthened the resilience of Kenya’s people.

H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta noted that they are fully committed to driving forward the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Programme.

“The adaptation agenda, especially in Africa, is crying for bold and visionary leadership.  This is because the continent of Africa has been the most adversely affected continent by climate change.  And, as such, for Africa, adaptation to climate change is not just important but a survival strategy,” he said.

Why is the Africa Adaptation Programme the right plan and at the right time?  This is because it is a programme made in Africa by Africans, which puts our young people at the very heart of the adaptation agenda. As an adaptation champion, I will be the voice of all voiceless Africans who are crying out for a climate-resilient and prosperous future.

– HE. President Uhuru Kenyatta –

In Kenya and the broader Horn of Africa, GCA is working with the African Development Bank and other development partners to scale up adaptation solutions for food security by bringing innovative digital solutions as well as drought-resistant grass varieties and crops to build on the success of the work in communities like Makueni and Samburu.

Over the last year, GCA has already mainstreamed adaptation solutions into US$3 billion worth of investments on the ground. With our partners, AAAP will mobilize $25 billion for adaptation in Africa over the next five years.

During the event, GCA also launched a strategic AAAP partnership with the University of Nairobi that will be supported by a grant of 140 million Kenyan Shillings. Through this partnership, GCA and the University will shape investments to climate-proof Kenya’s infrastructure, unlock climate finance, and create green jobs for Kenya’s youth.

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